The Martz-Kohl Observatory participates in the Library Telescope Program which places telescopes in local public libraries, allowing general access to portable telescopes that can be put into circulation just like a book. The goals of the program are to help foster scientific literacy, to stimulate interest in astronomy, enable people who have never looked through a telescope the chance to experience the excitement that comes from discovery, and to provide a valuable asset for libraries.

Telescopes and accessories include a Celestron StarSense Explorer telescope with zoom eyepiece, red flashlight, planisphere (night sky map), observers guide, moon map, and manuals. The telescopes are easy to use, robust, and are modified to make them more durable and patron friendly. MMMAA members have provided hands-on training for library staff to ensure they are comfortable with the telescope and are able to answer basic patron questions.

Telescope was donated by The Marshal Martz Memorial Astronomical Association, Inc.

Telescope can be borrowed using a current library card. Telescope Agreement Must Be Completed Prior to Checkout.

For more information on this program visit

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