Book Club @ The Homestead

Bergquist Library at the Homestead in Gerry @ 4600 Route 60 Gerry NY 14740

<img src='/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/63024287-199x300.jpg' width='199' height='300' /><img loading='lazy' decoding='async' class='size-medium wp-image-15423 alignleft' src='/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/63024287-199x300.jpg' alt='' width='199' height='300' srcset='/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/63024287-199x300.jpg 199w, /wp-content/uploads/2018/04/63024287.jpg 265w' sizes='auto, (max-width: 199px) 100vw, 199px' />The First Ladies by Marie Benedict<a href='/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/bookclub.jpg'><img class='aligncenter size-medium wp-image-10286' alt='' />A novel about the extraordinary partnership

Virtual Adult Fiction Book Club


<img loading='lazy' decoding='async' class='wp-image-15478 size-medium alignleft' src='/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/10340846-197x300.jpg' alt='' width='197' height='300' srcset='/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/10340846-197x300.jpg 197w, /wp-content/uploads/2018/04/10340846.jpg 312w' sizes='auto, (max-width: 197px) 100vw, 197px' />The Eighty-Dollar Champion: Showman, the Horse That Inspired a Nation by Elizabeth LettsCopies of book club title are available thru the

Baby Talk

Sinclairville Free Library @ 15 Main Street, Sinclairville NY

Babies enjoy some time playing with their peers in our Children’s Room. Babies will gain the building blocks to early literacy through talking, singing, reading and playing.   For ages birth to 2 years old. Songs, Bounces, Stories, Read-Alongs and

Story Hour

Sinclairville Free Library @ 15 Main Street, Sinclairville, NY

Children will gain the building blocks to early literacy through talking, singing, reading, writing, and playing. For ages 2 years old to preschool. Participate in stories, songs & fingerplays. Take away craft or activity for extended learning. Registration is required.

Library Board Meeting

Sinclairville Free Library @ 15 Main Street, Sinclairville, NY

<img src='/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/board-meeting.jpg' width='254' height='198' />Board Meetings are open to the <a href="http://public.Meetings" target="_blank" title="public.Meetings">public.Meetings may be held both in-person at the <a href="http://library.Please" target="_blank" title="library.Please">library.Please see <a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Board of Trustees for more information on our <a href="http://board. " target="_blank"