Sinclairville Samplers

Sinclairville Free Library @ 15 Main Street, Sinclairville NY 14782

<img src='/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/needle-crafts.jpg' width='233' height='217' /><a href='/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/needle-crafts.jpg'><img loading='lazy' decoding='async' class='alignleft wp-image-4996' src='/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/needle-crafts.jpg' alt='' width='193' height='180' />Sinclairville SamplersQuilting, knitting, crochet, embroidering, and fun with <a href="http://friends.<p" target="_blank" title="friends.friends.<p style='text-align: center;'>

Life Story Writing @ The Homestead

Bergquist Library at the Heritage Village in Gerry

<img src='/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/writers-300x244.jpg' width='300' height='244' />Join us to explore life themes together and to create a written life story for personal reflection or to share with friends and family <a href="http://members.Event" target="_blank" title="members.Event">members.Event is at the Bergquist Library at The Homestead

Baby Talk

Sinclairville Free Library @ 15 Main Street, Sinclairville NY

Babies enjoy some time playing with their peers in our Children’s Room. Babies will gain the building blocks to early literacy through talking, singing, reading and playing.   For ages birth to 2 years old. Songs, Bounces, Stories, Read-Alongs and

Story Hour

Sinclairville Free Library @ 15 Main Street, Sinclairville, NY

<img src='/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/children2-300x221.png' width='300' height='221' /><a href='/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/children2.png'><img loading='lazy' decoding='async' class='alignleft wp-image-3529' src='/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/children2-300x221.png' alt='' width='339' height='250' srcset='/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/children2-300x221.png 300w, /wp-content/uploads/2018/04/children2.png 400w' sizes='auto, (max-width: 339px) 100vw, 339px' />Children will gain the building blocks to early literacy through talking, singing, reading, writing, and <a href="http://playing.For"

Write Circle (Virtual)


<img src='/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Author-at-Work-300x182.jpg' width='300' height='182' />Writers in all genres meet to encourage, inspire and provide reader feedback to both aspiring and accomplished <a href="http://writers.Meets" target="_blank" title="writers.Meets">writers.Meets Virtually during the winter months. Register for platform <a href="http://link.This" target="_blank" title="link.This">link.This group is currently