“The Spoon Man” Musical Comedian Blue Grass, Big Band, Rock n Roll, Rap Provided free to the community in collaboration with the Mary E. Seymour Memorial Library Branches. A healthy lunch provided by a donation from the Cassadaga Valley
Nan Hoffman Concert
Music is Everywhere! Sing A Story – Read A Song! A concert for the whole family to celebrate the Summer Reading Program. Free concert and everyone is welcome.
Book Sale
Book sale during the Village Wide Sale. All proceeds benefit the Sinclairville Free Library.
Life Stories
Writing group for documenting your life story.
Virtual Write Spirit
Christian writers meet to encourage, inspire and provide reader feedback to both aspiring and accomplished writers. This group is meeting virtually. Contact Beth Hadley at (716) 785-9204 or director@sinclairvillelibrary.org for meeting information. You can also register using our Event or
Virtual Write Spirit
Christian writers meet to encourage, inspire and provide reader feedback to both aspiring and accomplished writers. This group is meeting virtually. Contact Beth Hadley at (716) 785-9204 or director@sinclairvillelibrary.org for meeting information. You can also register using our Event or
Virtual Write Spirit
Christian writers meet to encourage, inspire and provide reader feedback to both aspiring and accomplished writers. This group is meeting virtually. Contact Beth Hadley at (716) 785-9204 or director@sinclairvillelibrary.org for meeting information. You can also register using our Event or
Virtual Write Spirit
Christian writers meet to encourage, inspire and provide reader feedback to both aspiring and accomplished writers. This group is meeting virtually. Contact Beth Hadley at (716) 785-9204 or director@sinclairvillelibrary.org for meeting information. You can also register using our Event or
Virtual Write Spirit
Christian writers meet to encourage, inspire and provide reader feedback to both aspiring and accomplished writers. This group is meeting virtually. Contact Beth Hadley at (716) 785-9204 or director@sinclairvillelibrary.org for meeting information. You can also register using our Event or
Virtual Write Spirit
Christian writers meet to encourage, inspire and provide reader feedback to both aspiring and accomplished writers. This group is meeting virtually. Contact Beth Hadley at (716) 785-9204 or director@sinclairvillelibrary.org for meeting information. You can also register using our Event or