15 Main Street
Sinclairville NY 14782
“It’s (Partially) Rocket Science and (Mostly) Ice Cream”
Ice cream is pretty interesting: it’s a liquid that becomes a solid. From an eating perspective, it’s delicious. In this session, we will investigate the science behind these qualities.
What do scientists do?
What do you know about ice cream?
What ingredients go into ice cream?
Practice measuring and following instructions.
Shake, roll and move to make some ice cream…
All materials provided. Recipe will include: dairy, sugar & vanilla
Activity is from the title “STEM to STORY: Enthralling and Effective Lesson Plans for Grades 5-8” by 826 National. Title is available in our Homeschool section.
Join together with other homeschool families for networking, socializing and fun learning activities
The library will provide educational activities, challenges and games for all school aged children.
Free and open to all homeschool families.
Registration Required. Call or Click.